

This section is dedicated to highlighting blogs, groups, pages, organizations, technicians, artists and practitioners who are passionate for Jesus yet choose to stay out of the limelight. Some of the most fruitful workers for the Kingdom are those with no names. Our desire is to learn from one another. If you have suggestions of grass roots organizations and awesome people worthy of a deeper look, please add to the list by commenting below.

Great Sites & Greater Friends related to Asians, Mission & Faith:

  • Coopers On A Mission: A team of practitioners taking discipleship to the next level by training others to catalyze movements.
  • City Church Network: A group of practitioners passionate about making disciples who make disciples among refugees in the U.S.
  • Mekong Kingdom Movement: A collection of relevant prayer updates, videos and short-term opportunities straight from the field from a group working among an unreached people group in a closed country.
  • L2 Foundation: A group of Asian American Church leaders devoted to providing support and sharing resources through books, blogs, publications and videos.
  • Engage Global: A group that trains cross-cultural workers and leads short-term teams to experience international missions without crossing international borders.
  • Southeast Asian Catalyst:  A group of emerging Southeast Asian Christian leaders engaged in Kingdom ministry through conferences, networking and mobilization.
  • Epic Movement:  A student ministry born out of Campus Crusade that focuses on reaching and sending Asian American college students.

International Missions Agencies to Sign Up With:

  • OMF International (Overseas Missionary Fellowship):  A sending agency started by a guy with a gnarly beard that’s been around Asia for over 150 years promoting missions to Unreached Peoples.
  • Pioneers:  A U.S. based missions agency with a focus on sending teams to Unreached Peoples in Asian and Muslim nations.
  • Ethnos360: A sending agency with a heart for Unreached Peoples focused on isolated tribes around the world.

7 thoughts on “Resources

  1. Thanks for the resources. I’ve always supported the work of the persecuted church. My husband has been on over 20 overseas missions to various parts of the world, so I’m looking forward to reading your blog.

    • Thank you for stopping by. I plan on updating the resources section soon. So many cool things happening these days – hard to keep up with all that God is doing. Thank you for your genuine support of our fam in the faith.

  2. Toby,
    On your Twitter feed, I saw a couple instances of folks “drawing the gospel.”
    Do you have any resources regarding that? Are you working with Buddhists, Animists, a mix?

    • Hi S,

      Yes, I work primary with Buddhists and Animists. And I can resource you with all kinds of tools and resources for that. Some of these resources are not public though, so I’ll need to email them to you. Several things to mention:

      -The Gospel shared through fear and power.honer and shame using 2 Circles
      -The 2 Kingdoms Gospel Presentation (for fear and power)
      -The Creation 2 Judgment Story or Creation 2 Christ Story

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